[TxMt] Source Code Indentation in LaTeX Bundle

Sam Homer spam.can at gmx.net
Fri Sep 4 10:00:07 UTC 2009


I'm evaluating TextMate as a MacVim replacement for my LaTeX writing.

What bugs me is that it does not seem to indent and hard wrap text  
automatically at all when editing existing paragraphs. MacVim does  
this very nicely when the appropriate "format-options" are turned on.

I found this message regarding indentation:
>> Is there a way to make the indentation continue on the second and  
>> third, etc. line of the \item? Something like this:
> I assume you are asking for indented soft wrap, in which case the  
> answer is no.

What would the answer be for indented *hard* wrap?

What I would like is to be able to just remove some words of any  
indented line (e.g. within a
\item line) and have TextMate continuously reflow and re-indent the  
text for me.
- If I press backspace before the first non-white space character of a  
line, it should just jump back to the end of the previous line instead  
of removing the indentation tabs or spaces.
- If I'm changing a line that begins with \item to \end{itemize}, it  
should automatically outdent to the correct indentation level.
- etc.
In other words, if at all, it should only be possible to change  
indentation manually using opt-tab and opt-shift-tab.

For some limited time, I could maybe live with having to press a key  
to manually trigger the re-flowing and re-indenting process, but none  
of the provided commands seem to do much good in this case.

I attached a macro I've developed that handles the latter (only soft  
tabs are supported); please let me know if there is an alternative way  
of achieving this.

I wonder if any enhancement regarding automatic reflowing of hard  
wrapped text is planned for TM 2?


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