[TxMt] Re: 1589 : Problem with skim and preview

Alain Matthes alain.matthes at mac.com
Wed Nov 25 21:10:43 UTC 2009

Le 25 nov. 2009 à 20:09, Alex Ross a écrit :

> On Nov 25, 2009, at 10:51 AM, Alain Matthes wrote:
>> I bring  an answer to a speedy conclusion  This is correct on the macbook but not with the
>> Imac !
> So, TM_INTERACTIVE_INPUT_DISABLED=true fixes the issue on your macbook but not on the iMac?  What operating system and architecture are these machines?

TM_INTERACTIVE_INPUT_DISABLED=true  is not enough the problem re-appears on the macbook.
 I try  an old solution : I remove tm_interactive_input.dylib from textmate.

1) pdfs are displayed with skim or preview
2) The compilation is more speedy
3) This problem is not fixed

Alain Matthes

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