[TxMt] How to get tcl script to "run"

Scott Haneda talklists at newgeo.com
Wed Nov 4 22:55:17 UTC 2009

I use TM to frame out basic shell scripts all the time, mostly working  
in bash.

I have this
puts "start of my tcl script"
set lst {{item 1} {item 2} {item 3}}

What bundle item do I need to unfilter out in order to get "Run" to  
work on this?  Currently I use "Shell Script".

I can end the script in .shell and that does it, but I never have had  
to do that with other bash scripts, I just set #!/bin/bash and I am  
usually good to go.  Why is setting of my shebang to #!/opt/local/bin/ 
tclsh not kicking TM into the correct scope?

Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *

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