[TxMt] Re: Use begin marker of a scope to end the previous one

Édouard Gilbert edouard.gilbert at gmail.com
Mon Mar 16 10:01:48 UTC 2009

Le 16 mars 09 à 10:44, Pierre Morel a écrit :

> Hello,
> I'm trying to enhance the Matlab bundle. Especially by trying to make
> matlab and texmate to interact (shortcut to launch a script etc...).
> And I must say I'm pretty bad with shell scripts and regular
> expressions.
> I've nevertheless managed to do that, and now I'm trying to recreate
> matlab "cell mode" : matlab source files are scripts, and it is
> possible to divide the script in "cells". When you are in the (awful)
> matlab editor, you can run the current cell just with cmd+enter. This
> is very useful. The problem is that the cell separator is just a line
> like this :
> %% Title of the new cell
> ...That's it, there is no ending marker for a cell : the current cell
> ends where the new one starts ! What I've done now is creating a new
> "cell" scope delimited by these lines, but as soon as one "%% ...."
> line is used to mark the end of a scope, it can't be used to start the
> following one.
> Here's my descriptor.
> 			contentName = 'meta.cell.matlab';
> 			begin = '%%.*$\n';
> 			end = '%%.*$\n';
> 			captures = { 0 = { name = 'meta.celltitle.matlab'; }; };
> 			patterns = (
> 				# Here I include all the other scope descriptors, because they can
> be contained in a cell !
> 			)
> For my solution to work, I then have to use two of these "%% ..."
> lines, one to end the previous cell scope, and one to start the new
> one. This means matlab files need to be modified to work, which is not
> so good !
> Do you have an idea on how to solve this problem ?
> A linked problem (but less important) is that I can't get code folding
> to work with cells : a start marker can't be the same as an end  
> marker.
> Thank you !

What about look-behind?  The expression (?=%%) check that the next two  
characters indeed are %%, but don’t consume then.  Look-ahead, which  
check the previous characters, is written (?<=subexp) and both come  
with negative versions — check that the character are *not* something.

More information in the manual:

Watch out for grammar bugs, however.  It’s easy to make TM crash if  
you write things like:

begin = '(?=a)'
end = '(?=b)'

because neither expression consume a character.  Thus the expression  
ab matches the rule, no character is consumed and the string is left  
similar.  And still matches the rule, so TM loop.

edouard.gilbert at gmail.com

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