[TxMt] Scope for text paragraph

Christoph Wockel christoph.wockel at gmx.net
Sun Mar 8 15:15:49 UTC 2009

Dear all,

I try to build a scope that matches a text block within a latex  
document. The beginning of a text block should be given by a line  
containing some text, which is preceded by a blank line (possibly  
filled with whitespace characters). Likewise, the end of a text block  
is a line containing some text followed by a blank line. So far I  
tried to put

		{	name = 'meta.paragraph.text.latex';
			begin = '\n[^\S\n]*\n[^\S\n]*(?=[^\S\n]*\S)';
			end = '(?<=\S)[^\S\n]*\n[^\S\n]*\n';

inside the latex language definition, but this didn't work out (simply  
putting \n for both regexes works, but does the wrong thing). However,  
the beginning regepx matches the beginning of a text block, that is a  
line that is preceded by an empty line when I use it in the find  
window (and the same for the end of a text block). Can anybody tell me  
what I am doing wrong?

Perhaps there is another Scope already doing the job?

Best, Christoph

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