[TxMt] Re: Some newbie questions . . .

Adi Sieker adi at sieker.info
Wed Feb 25 11:09:51 UTC 2009


On 25.02.2009, at 11:49, Thorsten Hamann wrote:

> Philip v.Winterfeldt schrieb:
>> Control-Option-Command-K is the shortcut to the list of keyboard  
>> shortcuts.
> Yes, and like many other shortcuts, it doesn't work on my German
> keyboard. What comes up instead is Textmate's "Connect to Server"  
> dialog.

Works fine here. On my german MBP.

> You know, I'm used to the shortcuts containing pipes, slashes and so  
> on
> to not work on my "exotic" layout, but I'm completely at a loss
> concerning why such a "regular" shortcut doesn't work.
> I'm using version 1.5.8 (1498) under 10.5.6, and I haven't set any
> keyboard shortcut settings in OSX itself. I've tried the shortcut both
> with a RoR project open and with nothing whatsoever open, no  
> success. I
> can open the window through Bundles -> Textmate -> Show Keyboard
> Shortcuts, but not via keyboard shortcut. If this isn't meta, I don't
> know. :-)

Using the same TM and OSX version.

> If there's anyone else with a non-US keyboard who has ideas on how to
> make Textmate's shortcuts usable, I'm all ears. ;)

Have you defined some custom short cuts in the Systemsettings or
do you have an application running in the background that catches the  


Adi J. Sieker         mobile: +49 - 178 - 88 5 88 13
Freelance developer   skype:  adijsieker
SAP-Consultant        web:    http://www.sieker.info/profile
                       openbc: https://www.openbc.com/hp/ 

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