[TxMt] Re: Latex bundle request

David Whetstone david at humblehacker.com
Wed Dec 9 06:37:38 UTC 2009

On Dec 8, 2009, at 9:36 PM, Alain Matthes wrote:

> Le 8 déc. 2009 à 23:55, David Whetstone a écrit :
>> On Dec 8, 2009, at 1:57 PM, Alain Matthes wrote:
>>> No problem here but I use a french keyboard.
>>> The problem appears with ctrl * ?
>> Yes, the problem appears with ctrl-*, but also if I call it from the gear menu.  Are you saying that your folds stay folded after you invoke this command?  I wonder what the difference could be.
> Sorry my english is very poor and you are right : Togglr  star unfolds foldings.

C'est pas grave.  Je crois que mon français est pire que votre anglais. ;)

> unfold is not fold but I prefer that my (un))folds stay unfold after the Toggle Star command
> I think it's easy to make a new macro with "ctlr *" and then "alt cmd 0"

Yes, but that isn't really the effect that I'm looking for.  I would like to add the star without losing my context.  I guess I'll just keep doing it the manual way.

> Remark : Toggle Star is a complex macro !

Perhaps too complicated?  Maybe when I have some free time I'll try to write a simpler one that does only what I need.

Merci pour vos réponses.

- David

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