[TxMt] Re: How to set up TextMate for MATLAB?

Pierre Morel pier.morel at gmail.com
Sun Apr 26 12:57:38 UTC 2009


As matlab code can't get compiled, I'm assuming you talk about running  
matlab code from textmate.
I implemented an integration between MATLAB and Textmate, which allows  
to run a script or the current cell in matlab when you are in  
textmate. It only works when matlab runs in the terminal, as there is  
NO WAY to communicate with the matlab java/X11 GUI.

Because the terminal is quite awful to use in interactive mode (no  
mouse, different shortcuts, no syntax highlighting, problem with long  
lines), I'm working on a matlab console bundle too, which works in a  
similar way as the R-Console Bundle. I can communicate with matlab  
both ways now. It's possible send commands to matlab and receive  
matlab's output.

I sent an email to Thomas to discuss the integration of this in the  
matlab bundle, but he seems busy now.
If you want more information about what I did, want to try, or better  
if you want to help with this project (I'm quite bad at ruby, shell  
scripts and other needed languages), send me an email.


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