[TxMt] Re: AS3 Bundle Fight

Gaby Vanhegan gaby at vanhegan.net
Tue Sep 2 23:45:36 UTC 2008

On 2 Sep 2008, at 16:50, Simon Gregory wrote:

>> This  <http://macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk/Review/Bundles/ActionScript%203.tmbundle/info.plist
>> is currently clean.
> So I'd say you created all the conflicts when you ran your update
> script as your working copy contained changes that subversion could
> not automatically merge.

So the sensible thing would be to trash my AS3 bundle and download a  
fresh one.  I don't think any of the modifications I've made are  
particularly important and if anything breaks I can probably fix it  

Will report back with results.

>> [...] Turns out that the default file supplied by Adobe is also in
>> DOS encoding (funny line endings). [...]
> I use the Flex SDK versions 2, 3 and 4 and their minor revisions and
> I've not had this problem with any of them (running Leopard).

I've tracked this problem down.  I had Flex installed on my PC, so I  
copied the folder, rather than the downloaded archive onto my mac,  
causing most of the files to end up with DOS line endings.  Textbook  
error really... :)


Junkets for bunterish lickspittles since 1998!

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