[TxMt] Re: How do I vary the C indentation?

Mikael Høilund mikael at hoilund.org
Sun Oct 26 01:48:32 UTC 2008

On Oct 25, 2008, at 22:44, Berk Geveci wrote:

> By the way, what is the process for requesting a new feature? I guess
> my problem could be solved with 2 new regular expressions:
> decreaseIndentAfterPattern - decrease the indent in the line after  
> this match
> increaseIndentHerePattern - increase the indent in the line that
> matches this pattern
> or some option that changes the behavior of the existing regular  
> expressions.

I'd also like to see this, as I think this would enable me to let this  

class Foo
   def bar; end
   def baz; end

Name = "Mikael Høilund"; Email = Name.gsub %r/\s/,%#=?,#
[?**2+?o,?\\*2])]="o";Email.gsub! %%\%c%*3%a, %?%c? % ?@
def The(s)%%\%s.%%s+%.org\n.end; :Go and print The Email

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