[TxMt] Re: Simple markdown to book workflow?

jiho jo.irisson at gmail.com
Fri Oct 3 12:46:51 UTC 2008

On 2008-October-03  , at 04:36 , Hans-Jörg Bibiko wrote:

>> Is there an easy workflow to produce a halfway decent looking book
>> from this? I suspect it would involve Latex, which I know nothing
>> about.
> Do you know Fletcher Penney's MultMarkdown. It generates LaTeX out of
> Markdown.
> http://fletcherpenney.net/mt/mt-search.cgi?tag=MultiMarkdown&blog_id=1

Multimarkdown is actually included in TextMate's Markdown bundle. I  
advise you to use the LaTeX memoir class. If you do not know anything  
about latex and wwant to customize your output a bit, read some  
introductory texts before diving into your file. "The not so short  
introduction to latex" is a good one, maybe you'll find some tutorials  
on the web regarding books in particular, and, if you use the memoir  
class, the manual of this class (provided with your latex installation  
and easily found on the web) is extensive and very interesting, with  
as much technical details as typesetting theory. It requires some  
getting used to and some learning but the results are far better than  
anything else you could use, in my opinion.

Good luck.


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