[TxMt] Re: New “GetBundles” release needs your help

Hans-Jörg Bibiko bibiko at eva.mpg.de
Thu Nov 20 17:55:01 UTC 2008

On 20.11.2008, at 17:16, Timothy Bates wrote:

> A nice addition on updating bundles would be
> 1. To detect customizations, and if there are none,
Is on the TODO list

> 2. To override (delete) any customizations
This would be probably a way to complex

> It fired up and parsed local bundles OK, but after I opened help,  
> would not do anything
What do you mean? Did GetBundles freeze?

> Then it spun saying "parsing local bundles..." (for about 5 minutes)
Hmm, you are the second user who is mentioning this. How many bundles  
do you have installed and how many are under revision control (svn/git)?

> Forcing TM to the front for dialogs is a a bit nasty, as it then  
> consumes key strokes intended for the app which was in the foreground.
Yes, I know but up to now there's no other way - I know - possible to  
open an HTML window displaying something.
(Maybe I'll drop that Help button from the Dialog).

Many thanks,


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