[TxMt] Word Count

Hans-Jörg Bibiko bibiko at eva.mpg.de
Wed May 28 17:38:26 UTC 2008

On 28.05.2008, at 19:30, Allan Odgaard wrote:

> On 28 May 2008, at 18:55, Jonas Steverud wrote:
>> [...]
>> Yes, but I am not interested in the number of bytes, I would like  
>> to know the number of characters, which is not the same thing.  
>> Räksmörgås is ten characters but is reported as 13 bytes since åäö  
>> are stored as multi-byte characters. I use the Statistics for  
>> Document  / Selection (word count) command from the Text Bundle  
>> and the ruby script uses wc -l for statistics, which is not  
>> Unicode aware AFAIK.
> Actually ‘wc’ _is_ multi-byte (encoding) aware. But for that, one  
> has to use the -m[ulti-bytes] instead of -c[haracters].
> So for a quick fix, change ‘wc -lwc’ in the command to ‘wc -lwm’  
> and it should work as you expect.

Not for me on Mac ppc 10.4.11.


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