[TxMt] TextMate hangs when editing an ActionScript3 file

Michael Sheets mummer at whitefalls.org
Mon May 26 05:10:40 UTC 2008

On May 25, 2008, at 11:39 AM, Lee Henson wrote:

>> I've not had that happen here, and as it's on any .as file it's odd.
>> You could try changing the file extensions to .txt to see if the
>> language grammar is to blame.
> Yeah, txt files do not cause a problem and mxml files are fine too.  
> So far,
> it appears to only be as files.

This would likely been a recursion happening in the grammar then, if  
you can pastie[1] the offending code should be able to tell what is  
causing it.

[1]: Paste from TextMate using ⌘A (select all), ⌃⌘T (select  
bundle item), enter ‘paste’ (find the action), end with ↩  
(return) — this will paste it online and allow you to post the link  

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