[TxMt] Installed MacTex and now I'm despairing

Niels Kobschaetzki n.kobschaetzki at googlemail.com
Sun Mar 16 15:40:09 UTC 2008


I installed MacTeX today with the Leopard-Fix for making the
TeX-environment-switch possible. I added /usr/texbin to my .bash_login
as well.
TeXShop has no problems rendering files. TextMate just tells me:
 /bin/sh: kpsewhich: command not found
Error: Could not open to check for packages

This is most likely a problem with TM_LATEX_MASTER

My tip: the path-variable TextMate uses doesn't include /usr/texbin
When I type env in the Terminal I get a PATH that includes /usr/texbin
but it seems that the stuff from .bash_login is only read in my
session when I type . ~/.bash_login
Therefore I guess there was a change in Mac OS X where my stuff gets
its environment from.

My question:
How do I get TeX working again in TextMate (and maybe: How do I get
Terminal to use .bash_login always)?

Any help appreciated.


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