[TxMt] Fwd: "language" problem

Steven Ross nowhiding at gmail.com
Fri Mar 7 13:00:49 UTC 2008

Sorry if this is a duplicate... didn't see it come across yet so I'm
I can't for the life of me figure out why this isn't working in my language
file, can someone help?



Sample text to search:
<cffunction name="isEmpty" returnType="boolean" access="private"
hint="checks to see whether a field is empty">
 <cfargument name="inputField" type="string" required="true"  hint="the
<cfset retBool = true />
 <cfif Len(Trim(arguments.inputField))>
<cfset retBool = false />
<cfreturn retBool />

regex that works when using "find" inside TM:


bundle language text:

{ name = 'support.other';
 contentName = 'entity.name.function';
begin = '(<cffunction\sname).(["''])';
 end = '["'']';

Steven Ross
web application & interface developer
[mobile] 404-488-4364 [fax] 267-482-4364
[ AIM / Yahoo! : zeriumsteven ] [googleTalk : nowhiding ]

Steven Ross
web application & interface developer
[mobile] 404-488-4364 [fax] 267-482-4364
[ AIM / Yahoo! : zeriumsteven ] [googleTalk : nowhiding ]
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