[TxMt] Re: Xtrace/Zeroi/AS2

Gaby Vanhegan gaby at vanhegan.net
Mon Jul 7 17:34:37 UTC 2008

On 7 Jul 2008, at 13:12, Marc Bauer wrote:

> i wrote my own tool, which effectively does the same as xtrace plus  
> more. most important for your problem, it responds to a crossdomain  
> request. further it supports filters and themes.
> you can get it here: http://nesium.com/home/products/Trazzle/latest
> debug classes here: https://svn.nesium.net/public/flash/actionscript/trazzle/as2/
> despite the version it's more a mature beta than an alpha release. i  
> just had hassle with sparkle for the auto-updating.

I had been using this as an excuse to get into xCode and Obj-C.  I had  
gotten hold of the XTrace source and was modifying the source to  
respond to the CDP request.  I had got as far as opening a writable  
descriptor to the java logging server, detecting the domain policy  
request and notifying the java server.  I was about to start on the  
java server modifications to send the CDP file when prodded but my  
brain exploded at that point (xCode, Obj-C and Java in one day, a bit  

This, however, is perfect, and more importantly actually works!  A  
thousand thanks :)

Now I can share the same AS2 project folder across TextMate on my mac  
and FlashDevelop on my PC.


Junkets for bunterish lickspittles since 1998!

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