[TxMt] First impressions

Mark Eli Kalderon eli at markelikalderon.com
Tue Jan 29 15:25:46 UTC 2008

On 1/29/2008, "Konrad Hinsen" <konrad.hinsen at laposte.net> wrote:

>My two main file types are Python and LaTeX source code. LaTeX
>support is rather nice, once it is properly configured. But I had
>expected a more reasonable folding: what I want to fold is sections,
>subsections, etc. not begin-end blocks.

Tab triggers are snippets of text that are inserted by typing some
predetermined text and hitting tab. If you insert the sections (and
subsections etc) using the tab triggers in the LaTeX bundle, i.e.,
typing “sec” and hitting tab, you get the following:

section{section name}label{sec:section_name} % (fold)

% section section_name (end)

The comments (”% (fold)”, “% section section_name (end)”) function as
fold markers thus allowing code folding of sections. This is a standard
part of the LaTeX bundle. Just be sure to insert your sections with the
provided snippets. (It is quicker anyway.)

Best, Mark

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