[TxMt] TextMate crashes within the Find Dialog after pressing TAB

Hans-Joerg Bibiko bibiko at eva.mpg.de
Wed Feb 13 12:25:26 UTC 2008

> On 13 Feb 2008, at 04:00, Allan Odgaard wrote:
>> This is unfortunately a common problem for some, see [1].
>> So far though I have not had a single report from a Leopard  
>> system, so there is a good chance that it has been fixed for  
>> Leopard (where the controls have undergone some changes).
>> [1]: http://macromates.com/textmate/manual/ 
>> expert_preferences#oakfindpaneldisablehistory

Thanks. As I mentioned for me it happens very very infrequent. That's  
why I avoid to use oakfindpaneldisablehistory because I use that  
history quite often.

On 13 Feb 2008, at 13:16, dzurn wrote:
> Here's what I did to avoid the issue: I edit the  
> com.macromates.textmate.plist file to remove several odd strings in  
> findHistory and replaceHistory. Once I did that (removing 8 of the  
> 10 strings in each entry) then my Find/Replace didn't crash when I  
> used a tab.

Are you doing this all the time? My question would be what kind of  
oddity of strings in findHistory and replaceHistory triggers that crash?


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