[TxMt] find event(s) in iCal?

Jeff Newman bangersandmash at gmail.com
Thu Dec 11 18:46:52 UTC 2008

Hey everyone,

I'm trying to piece something together and I figured I'd ask if it was  
possible before I put all of the mental effort into it.

I use the "find email address in address book" bundle almost daily.  I  
was wondering if it is possible to configure similar functionality for  
the calendar?  I want type in a word from an event's name and the  
command would pull the full name, location, start and end date from  
iCal. Is this possible?

I'm not a programmer but I was hoping to modify the existing bundle.   
I *think* the CalCalendarItem and CalEvent frameworks provide the  
necessary information to pull this off but I wanted to make sure that  
it was feasable before I attempted something so far above my pay grade.


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