[TxMt] Dead key shortcuts and other stuff

Édouard Gilbert edouard.gilbert at gmail.com
Wed Oct 17 14:52:48 UTC 2007

Hello everyone,

On my french AZERTY keyboard, some keys are dead by default. This  
includes the ‘^’ key and is necessary for circumflexes such as î or  
ê. However, when in math mode, circumflexes are seldom needed; in  
math mode, I'd rather have the ‘^’ not dead, in order to easily type  
exponents. Worse, in fact TM behaves strangely when one tries to type  
a character which can't be circumflexed, it doesn't display anything:  
when typing ‘^{’ on my keyboard, nothing appears.

So I though the easiest solution would be to override the ‘^’ key  
with a snippet in scope string.other.math.latex, but the shortcut  
doesn't seems to work. Any other solution?

Oh, and while I'm at it. I found it really useful to bound a ~  
snippet to alt-space - ~ is a dead key too on my keyboard. I was  
wondering if it was worth including this in the LaTeX bundle. And the  
X ~> \Xi command completion is lacking in my version of the package.  
Why is that?

As always, thanks for your help,

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