[TxMt] Feature Request: Highlighting folders/files

Christian Burk maillists at gmx.de
Fri May 4 07:46:44 UTC 2007

Am 04.05.2007 um 09:13 schrieb Allan Odgaard:

> On 4. May 2007, at 08:41, Christian Burk wrote:
>> When I work with large projects and using the project drawer it  
>> would be very comfortable and more usable if the folders and files  
>> could be highlighted in some way. I mean exactly the same feature  
>> that ships with OS X. When you right click on a folder/file you  
>> can choose a colour (red, orange, green...) for this item.
>> [...]
>> A lot of my projects include some images and for getting a nice  
>> overview, I also arrange these images, together with other related  
>> files, within the project drawer.
>> If I right click on an image, I can open it with the standard  
>> application (for example preview.app). Would it not be nice to  
>> have an option "Open with..." and then be able to open it in the  
>> favorite graphics program?
>> I know, it is possible to drag and drop the image on the dock icon  
>> of the graphics program, but an option would easier.
> 2.0 will have a new file manager that mimics Finder in aspects such  
> as providing an “Open With…” submenu and supporting labels.

These are very nice prospects! Thanks

> Though if you have a favorite graphics program, in Finder, try Get  
> Info on an image, change what program should open it, and select  
> Change All.

That's what I try to prevent. I open up all my graphics with preview  
for a short view and edit them with Fireworks. Always opening in FW  
would tak to much time.


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