[TxMt] mate error

Jon Evans jon.evans at pobox.com
Thu May 3 08:28:44 UTC 2007

Hi All,

On 1 May 2007, at 01:53, Brett Terpstra wrote:

> I just noticed I get this from the command line on both individual  
> file and directories.
> 2007-04-30 19:52:04.221 mate[5199] An uncaught exception was raised
> 2007-04-30 19:52:04.221 mate[5199] [NOTE: this exception originated  
> in the server.]
> *** Object does not implement or has different method signature
> 2007-04-30 19:52:04.221 mate[5199] *** Uncaught exception:  
> <NSInvalidArgumentException> [NOTE: this exception originated in  
> the server.]
> *** Object does not implement or has different method signature
> Trace/BPT trap
> I just upgraded this morning.  Not sure what I've done here...

I had an almost identical problem after installing the BlogMate  
plugin. I uninstalled that plugin and it worked OK again. I found  
that mate worked fine the first time it was invoked, but then failed  
every time after that until I restarted TextMate.

At the time I meant to post something to the list about it, but it  
slipped my mind. Sorry...


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