[TxMt] auto HTML table snippet

Paul McCann paul.mccann at adelaide.edu.au
Sat Mar 10 06:06:07 UTC 2007

Yann B asked:

> Is it doable? (I bet it is, but I can't figure it out).
> I want to create a HTML snippets that transforms a tab delimited  
> table into an HTML table, fo instance, I'd select this:
> item_01	item_02 item_03
> item_11	item_12 item_13
> item_21	item_22 item_23
> hit a key combo, and get:
> <table>
> 	<tr><th>item_01</th><th>item_02</th><th>item_03</th></tr>
> 	<tr><td>item_11</td><td>item_12</td><td>item_13</td></tr>
> 	<tr><td>item_21</td><td>item_22</td><td>item_23</td></tr>
> </table>

OK, I'm feeling sufficiently perverse to write it as a one-long-liner  
in perl (it's a *Saturday*...). Not elegant, to be sure, but it works  
OK and might give the "perl as unmaintainable line noise" folk a warm  
fuzzy feeling.


Make a new command: input as "selected text", output as "replace  
selected text". The command should be:

print "<table>\n\t<tr><td>",join("</td></tr>\n\t<tr><td>",map  
{chomp;join("</td><td>",(split(/\t/,$_)))} <>),"</td></tr>\n</table>\n";

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