[TxMt] "Unbinding" a menu command in TextMate

Kenneth McDonald kenneth.m.mcdonald at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jul 31 17:32:57 UTC 2007

Recently, I needed to unbind a TextMate menu command (Text:Reformat and 
Justify) so that I could use ^J for my own uses. Ale Munoz (the n is 
suppose to have a tilde above it but I don't know how to type that on a 
US keyboard, sorry) was kind enough to show me how to use the Mouse and 
Keyboard preferences panel to rebind that menu item to something else, 
which solves the immediate problem. However, this still begs the 
question; is there a way to _unbind_ that menu item, so that it has _no_ 
associated key binding? This can't be done using Ale's method.


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