[TxMt] opening a file readonly

Niels Kobschätzki n.kobschaetzki at googlemail.com
Sat Jul 21 11:12:43 UTC 2007

On Jul 21, 2007, at 1:00 PM, Allan Odgaard wrote:

> On 20. Jul 2007, at 21:37, Pete Siemsen wrote:
>> [...]
>> I couldn't find anything about such a feature in the TextMate docs  
>> or the book, so I assume that TextMate doesn't have the feature.   
>> Is this email posted to this list sufficient to request it as a  
>> future enhancement?
> It is enough -- it’s rare I miss a message on this list.
> Read-only is an area where potential improvements has been  
> discussed in the past (as Gerd mentions, there is more to read-only  
> than just a simple “lock buffer”)

I'm not a developer - wouldn't it be "enough" to disable the save- 
function for a file that is opened with a "read-only"-option? Or is  
this just not possible?


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