[TxMt] Run Script (PyMate) Bug in TextMate Version 1.5.4 (1360) [2007-02-13: REVISION 1360]

Harold Walter Schranz Harold.Schranz at anu.edu.au
Fri Feb 16 05:08:25 UTC 2007

It appears a bug has crept in the Python bundle for the Run Script  
(PyMate) command in TextMate ...

All appears well with the following version which correctly runs  
interactive Python scripts (requiring a dialog):

Version 1.5.4 (1324) [2006-11-02: REVISION 1324] Python 2.5.0 -  
PyMate r5848

uses the code:

# Save file, use tmp-file if there's no filepath.
[[ -z "$TM_FILEPATH" ]] && TM_TMPFILE=$(mktemp -t pythonmate)



rm -f "$TM_TMPFILE"

However the following (bleeding edge) version
Version 1.5.4 (1360) [2007-02-13: REVISION 1360] PyMate r6190 running  
Python 2.5 (python)

uses the code (Ruby in a Python bundle???):

export TM_RUBY=$(which "${TM_RUBY:-ruby}")
"$TM_RUBY" -- "$TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT/PyMate/pymate.rb"

and only works for non-interactive Python scripts (I'm partly  
suprised it works at all).

Should this code change have happened between versions or is there a  


Dr. Harold W. Schranz, Research Fellow, Computational Genomics Group
Division of Molecular Bioscience, John Curtin School of Medical Research
Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200, Australia

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