[TxMt] Leo Laporte gives Textmate max props...

xolela at mac.com xolela at mac.com
Fri Dec 21 11:52:57 UTC 2007

In the MacBreak video podcast  (#96) for 12/12/2007, Leo features his  
fav text editors & overwhelming votes for  textmate while  giving an  
idea of its capabilities  as well as history.........

As  someone  that did his  entire PhD (writing - in latex, running R,  
Sweave,  stata etc..) all within textmate I would  be remiss not to  
thank all those that are continuously developing  textmate & the  
supporting bundles -  Alan, Charilaos, Hadley, Brett, Kevin, Allan  
Schussman, just to mention but a few of many people  whose bundles   
have been helpful....

I am now getting into experimenting with new experimental   bundles   
- eg Hans R daemon which seem as if they will be making me even more  
productive during 2008..

Thanks  to y'all  that are behind textmate & all its associated  
bundles....    &  best during 2008!


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