[TxMt] tm_dialog: add FileSelect + Appending Accessory Views

Hans-Jörg Bibiko bibiko at eva.mpg.de
Thu Aug 2 19:29:51 UTC 2007


so far I did the following:

Usage (internal panel): tm_dialog [-cdp] -I open|save|color  

Internal Panel Options:
  -I, --internal-panel aPanel <plist> <nib_file> Show internal panel.
        aPanel: open, save, color [:= Open File, Save File, Color  
Picker Dialog]
           open - Parameters: windowTitle, startDir, button1,  
message, allowMultipleSelection
                              fileType [string or array],  
canChooseDir, file
           save - Parameters: windowTitle, startDir, button1,  
message, allowOtherFileTypes
                              fileType [string or array], label, file
           color - Parameters: windowTitle, message, color [string of  
#RRGGBB notation]
                        -- a custom view is not supported
        nib_file: contains a customm view with control elements which  
will be shown
                         at the bottom of the open/save dialog

Returned plist:

	open with parameter allowMultipleSelection:

	open/save with a custom view with a checkbox - selection key = 'Check':



The parameters allowMultipleSelection, canChooseDir, and  
allowOtherFileTypes are boolean in such a way that if one write them  
in a plist they'll be set to YES automatically regardingless what  
value the key has!
E.g. {canChooseDir;} == {canChooseDir="1";} == {canChooseDir=0;} === YES
That also means that these parameters are set to NO as default.

The default of the parameter 'startDir' is, if not set, $HOME. You  
can set - startDir="nil"; - to set it automatically to the last path  
which was chosen.

The parameter 'fileType' can be a single string like fileType="txt";  
or an array fileType=("txt","tab"); .

The Color Picker is realized by a nib file which is stored in  
$TM_SUPPORT_PATH/nibs. If one invoke it a dialog with a ColorWell  
appears and the ColorPanel pops up automatically. If one press OK/ 
Cancel the ColorPanel will also closed.

If one want to preset a file in open/save you can use the parameters  
'startDir' and 'file'. 'file' is only the file name without the path!

A humble screenshot of a customized Open File Dialog can be seen at  
http://email.eva.mpg.de/~bibiko/dt/open.jpg .


My question for now is whether I should change something before I  
post the code to Alan?


PS I found my fault with the value transformer. Now it works  
perfectly ;)

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