[TxMt] tm_dialog and really long plists

Javier Guzman info at javierguzman.com
Sun Apr 29 22:45:12 UTC 2007

I want to learn more about this program.

Op 26-apr-07, om 21:05 heeft Allan Odgaard het volgende geschreven:

> On 26. Apr 2007, at 15:12, Brett Terpstra wrote:
>> I had been setting a variable to the open() command, but I think  
>> that it returns nil, doesn't it?  How do I get the return value  
>> from the dialog into a variable using this method?  Or is that not  
>> the problem...?
> When you want to both send and receive stdin/out to/from a command,  
> you need to use popen3.
> For example like this (untested):
>     require "open3"
>     Open3.popen3('"$DIALOG" -m select_photoset') do |stdin, stdout,  
> stderr|
>       stdin << plist; stdin.close
>       res = PropertyList::load(stdout)
>     end
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