[TxMt] Re: TM Find Dialog Enhancement (?)

Jacob Rus jacobolus at gmail.com
Tue Apr 24 09:51:36 UTC 2007

Hans-Joerg Bibiko wrote:
> Would it be possible to add the following feature to the normal Find 
> dialog?
> Given a string "c( 1, 22, 333 , 4444 )" in a line.
> I want to highlight item by item ('1', '22', etc.) by using the normal 
> Find function (APPLE+G).
> To do so I would write for instance this regexp:
> [,\(] {0,}(.*?) {0,}[,\)]

You can use lookahead and lookbehind.  So you could do:

     (?<=[,(] )(.*?)(?= *[,)])

The only problem with this is that lookbehind can't handle 
variable-length patterns, so you can't quite manage the pattern you 
have, with any number of spaces before the item.  But if you want, you 
can make it handle 1-4 spaces, or something, as follows:

     (?:(?<=[,(] )|(?<=[,(] {2})|(?<=[,(] {3})|(?<=[,(] {4}))
     (.*?)(?= *[,)])

Or similar.

See the documentation for more.  Oniguruma regexps are very powerful.


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