[TxMt] Experimental Flickr Bundle

Brett Terpstra brett at circlesixdesign.com
Sun Apr 22 15:44:06 UTC 2007

I've been playing with the Flickr API.  The ruby wrapper needed a lot  
of work and I've only begun tweaking it, but here's the start for  
anyone who's interested.  It allows you to insert an image tag for an  
image from either a specific photoset or from a search of your own  
images.  It uses simple popup dialogs and if you have a ton of images  
in a result set (100+), might be a little awkward.  Each command lets  
you choose from the available sizes for each image.

You need to run the authorize command first, which will open a  
browser window to authorize the bundle.  Then return to TextMate and  
confirm the dialog and it will write a token to the bundle  
directory.  As I'm writing this, I'm realizing I should probably put  
that somewhere else, but it works for now.

I'm thinking about eventually making an image browser, but it would  
be slow so I need to think about caching the files, and at that  
point... I have to figure out if it's worth the time.  The goal is to  
make it simple to insert Flickr images in your blog posts, so we'll  
see where it goes.

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