[TxMt] "Save As..." problem

Eric Hsu erichsu at math.sfsu.edu
Wed Apr 18 13:57:30 UTC 2007

>>>> No need to use the mouse, or to make a symlink to /tmp. Type:
>>>>   <tab> /tmp <return> <shift-tab> foo.txt <return>
>>>> Robin
>>> Ooooh, this is SO helpful!
>>> it's been years and years I save my files in whatever dir, and  
>>> then "mv" in Terminal.app...  Thank you, really thank you!
>>> By the way, it reminds us the lack of a complete (and official)  
>>> documentation of OS X tips & tricks...
>> I forgot to mention, the dialog that pops up also has (case  
>> sensitive) tab completion for files/folders
> It will even automatically try to complete if you pause for a few  
> seconds.  It's pretty clever.

Yes, it's nice but annoying in that it will only autocomplete the  
first match (does anyone have a workaround?). For instance, if you  
are trying to get to '/Library/Application Support' it will match '/ 
Library/Application Enhancers' first and won't go to the next match  
with tab or the arrows.

Also note that you can trigger it with Cmd-Shift-G in the dialog.

Eric Hsu, Associate Professor of Mathematics
San Francisco State University
erichsu at math.sfsu.edu

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