[TxMt] Command to reflow JavaDoc comment
Trevor Harmon
trevor at vocaro.com
Fri Apr 13 00:09:08 UTC 2007
Inspired by the customization screencast [1], I decided to write a
reflow command for us Java users. It's designed for reflowing JavaDoc
comments. Based heavily on Allan's original code, it works well
except for one problem: The reflowed text is never indented, even
though I've set the output to "Insert as Snippet." Anyone know how to
fix this?
Here's the command:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Grab comment text
txt = STDIN.read
# Remove beginning and ending slashes
txt = txt.gsub(%r{\A[ \t]*/|\s*\*/\s*\z}, '')
# Remove leading bullets
txt = txt.gsub(/^[ \t]*\*+[ \t]*/, '')
# Escape single quotes
txt = txt.gsub(/'/, "'\\\\''")
# Use fmt command to reflow text
txt = %x{ fmt <<< '#{txt}' }.chomp
# Put leading bullets back in
txt = txt.to_a.join(' * ')
# Escape special snippet characters
txt = txt.gsub(/[$`\\]/, '\\\\\0')
# Put cursor marker on last line
txt = txt.sub(/\n?\z/, '$0\0')
# Put beginning and ending slashes back in
txt = "/**" + txt + "\n */\n"
print txt
I've set the input to "Selected Text or Scope" and the scope to
[1] http://macromates.com/blog/archives/2006/04/12/customization-
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