[TxMt] Announcing LaTeX Watch 2.0, with PDF support

Robin Houston robin.houston at gmail.com
Thu Apr 5 13:21:24 UTC 2007

On 4/5/07, Charilaos Skiadas <skiadas at hanover.edu> wrote:
> Have you looked at PDFView? http://pdfview.sourceforge.net/

Not yet, I'll have a look now. Should be easy to support it. Thanks for
pointing it out.

Is this TM_LATEX_WATCH_VIEWER variable really necessary?

Is there any way we can cut down on all those environment variables?
The LaTeX bundle already uses more than it should.

Since environment variables are not in limited supply, I take the point to
be that configuration should be as simple as possible. Of course I agree,
and it would be good to give some thought to the best way of achieving this.

I thought it might be useful to have the option of using a different
previewer for watching than for 'Typeset & View', but perhaps no one would
ever want to do that. At the very least, it could be an undocumented option,
and we could say that the recommended way to change the viewer is to set

For instance there
> is already a TEX_PSTRICKS (hm, we should probably change that to
> TM_LATEX_PSTRICKS) which tells the LaTeX&View command to switch to
> going through ps. Perhaps you can use that instead of the

Because of the non-standard name, I didn't realise this was an official
configuration option. If it is, I agree that the name should be changed!
I don't think TM_LATEX_PSTRICKS is a very good name either, since it
doesn't, fundamentally, have anything to do with PSTricks per se.


Another problem with this mechanism (apart from the name) is that it's only
over-rideable in one direction. If you have set TEX_PSTRICKS, then it is not
currently possible to use

%!TEX TS-program = pdflatex

to over-ride that setting.

The size is considerable. Perhaps we can just add instructions for
> installing it on the help page,

Installing it really is a pain, if you're not a programmer, because it
depends on a non-standard X library. Unless you do it via fink or something.
But then you have to install fink! Even then, fink has a buggy version of

or just make the above binary available somewhere?

That might be an idea. Is there anywhere suitable for it to go?

What is the license on gv btw?


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