[TxMt] Latex bundle problem

Christopher Brewster C.Brewster at dcs.shef.ac.uk
Tue Sep 19 16:26:01 UTC 2006

I just updated the Latex bundle according to the instruction for  
bundle updating in the help file.
Now the cmd-{ function does not work.
Also it cannot find TeXniscope:
/bin/bash: line 60: find_app: command not found Error locating  
external viewer: TeXniscope
The shell variable TM_LATEX_VIEWER is correctly set.

All this worked fine until a moment ago.
What has happened?
I issued the commands:
christopher-brewsters-computer:/Library/Application Support/TextMate/ 
Bundles kiffer$ svn --username anon --password anon co http:// 


Natural Language Processing Group,
Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield

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