[TxMt] Bundle for Stata

Timothy Beatty timothy.beatty at gmail.com
Fri Sep 1 07:06:14 UTC 2006

Thanks for the feedback,


The only way I've been able to figure out to run selections is to save
the selection to a temporary file and run the temporary file.  Alan
suggested saving the file in /temp/somthing.do, rather than in the
current working directory.  I think that makes sense and will give it
a bid.  I looked at the R bundle's implementation of running a
selection, and as best I could tell (not very well, granted) it relies
on some AppleScript that Stata doesn't recognize.  Simply stealing the
R implementation was my first instinct, but I couldn't get it to work
(which doesn't mean, it can't work, just that I couldn't get it to


Thanks for the suggestions, I think I'll probably use both of them,


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