[TxMt] How to use XeLaTeX

Alan Schussman alan at schussman.com
Fri Oct 20 17:46:05 UTC 2006

On Oct 20, 2006, at 10:35 AM, Alain Matthes wrote:

> hello:)
> In Typeset & View (PDF) i don't understand that :
>  # Set up TeX compiler, fallback to xelatex if document indicates it
> if grep -Esq '\\usepackage{.*(xunicode|fontspec)|program=xelatex' "$M"
> 	then DEF_TEX=xelatex
> 	else DEF_TEX=pdflatex
> What is the exact syntax to use XeLaTeX ?

There are a number of ways to indicate that a document should be  
typeset with xelatex instead of pdflatex, and that grep is meant to  
pick up the methods that I have seen in various places. Both the  
xunicode and fontspec[1] packages depend on xelatex, so calling on  
them (\usepackage{fontspec}) in your preamble should set DEF_TEX to  
xelatex. This is what I use to set it, because all my xetex documents  
make use of fontspec for easy font manipulation. But, some documents  
that I've seen have a line like the following:


So the grep watches for that, as well.


[1] http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/entries/fontspec.html

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