[TxMt] Clean Macros
Marshall Beddoe
mbeddoe at gmail.com
Thu Oct 12 21:25:54 UTC 2006
Forgive me if this question has been asked, I searched but found
no answer. I am working on a bundle that is a subset of the ruby
bundle and I would like to have some macros similar to the ones in
the ruby bundle, namely the macros that automatically insert the
requires. Looking at the macros in the ruby bundle, they are very
- moveToBeginningOfDocumentAndModifySelection:
- executeCommandWithOptions:
command = "insert_requires.rb yaml";
input = selection;
output = insertAsSnippet;
- insertSnippetWithOptions
Since, there is no real bundle editor, I am trying to replicate this
process for macros under my bundle. If I were to get to the step of
executing the command, I hit the key equivalent for this
insert_requires.rb command, but instead of getting a clean looking
macro recording like the one above, I get one who's command is filled
with the exact ruby source code being executed:
beforeRunningCommand = nop;
command = "#!/usr/bin/env ruby\n$: << \"#{ENV
['TM_SUPPORT_PATH']}/lib\"\n\nrequire \"escape\"\nrequire \"open3\"\n
\nCURSOR = [0xFFFC].pack(\"U\").freeze\nline, col = ENV
[\"TM_LINE_NUMBER\"].to_i - 1, ENV[\"TM_LINE_INDEX\"].to_i\n\nstdin,
stdout, stderr = Open3.popen3(\"/usr/bin/env\", \"ruby\", \"#{ENV
['TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT']}/bin/insert_requires.rb\")\nThread.new do\n
code = STDIN.read.to_a\n code[line][col...col] = CURSOR unless
ENV.has_key?('TM_SELECTED_TEXT')\n stdin.write code.join\n
stdin.close\nend\n\nprint stdout.read.split(CURSOR).join('${0}')\n";
fallbackInput = document;
input = selection;
keyEquivalent = "^#";
name = "Insert Missing Requires";
output = insertAsSnippet;
scope = "source.ruby";
uuid = "9FB64639-F776-499B-BA6F-BB45F86F80FD";
Can someone please let me know what I am doing wrong here? Do I have
to hand hack the plist file or what?
Thanks in Advance,
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