[TxMt] Determining list of all keyboard shortcuts

Michael Henry macromates at drmikehenry.com
Mon Oct 2 01:30:03 UTC 2006


Is there a good way to determine a reverse mapping from a keyboard  
shortcut to its purpose?  Often I'd like to know if a given shortcut  
is already used, but I don't know how to search for it easily.

I know about the "Show Keyboard Shortcuts" feature (invoked via  
control-option-command-K).  It shows the shortcuts for all bundles,  
but the keystrokes are written with the fancy Apple glyphs instead of  
easily searched words like "control-option-command".  Is there a  
simple way to enter these glyphs from the keyboard to make this  
search easier?  I've sometimes resorted to scanning the list for a  
glyph of interest, then copying it to the clipboard and pasting it  
into the find box, but I'd like a more direct way.

Also, I don't know how to generate a list of keyboard shortcuts for  
built-in features not found in bundles - is there a way?

Michael Henry

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