[TxMt] tm_dialog quandry (returning array selections)

Brett Terpstra brett at circlesixdesign.com
Sat Nov 18 01:01:17 UTC 2006

Okay, let's say I've got an NSScrollView tied to an arrayController.   
Heck, let's say I've got a few tied into eachother to create a tree.   
The plist passes nested arrays  to allow a user to, say, pick a  
Backpack page->note->edit the note and return to TM where the script  
takes the updated note and returns it to Backpack.

I've got the first half all finished, but the plist that comes back  
to TM just contains the whole array including the edited note and  
there's no easy way to tell what's changed.  How do I pass back the  
id's of the selected page/note and the note body separately or marked  
as modified?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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