[TxMt] PyMate in RUBY?!?!?

Bill Bumgarner bbum at mac.com
Mon Nov 6 16:42:32 UTC 2006

On Nov 6, 2006, at 8:28 AM, domenico.carbotta at fastwebnet.it wrote:
> why is the new version of pymate written in ruby?

Because the existing pymate was broken and whoever was kind enough to  
donate their time to fixing it happened to know ruby better?

> I don't know jack about ruby -- why should I learn it in order to  
> hack on a
> tool I use daily while writing python code? come on, we don't want  
> no stinking
> ruby here!

Ruby and python are effectively interchangeable.  Each has a handful  
of advantages and disadvantages, but they otherwise solve the same  
set of problems in nearly the same way.  I have been a Python  
programmer since 1992 or so and find Ruby to be nothing more than a  
syntactic perversion of Python (whereas I found Python to be a [very  
nice] syntactic perversion of Perl when I learned Python).  If I had  
learned Ruby first, I'm sure I would find Python to be a syntactic  
perversion of Ruby.

So, get over it.  If pymate works for you, then you shouldn't care.   
If it doesn't and you need to fix a bug, then learn a little bit of  
ruby.  It'll make you a stronger person.


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