[TxMt] plist syntax for new language grammar

marios buttner origami at ath.forthnet.gr
Sun May 28 15:42:08 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1


For a new language Grammar I have set up a couple of test bundles that
try different variations of a grammar style, so I stumbled over some
'cases' where an actual name rule at the pattern root level of the
syntax would not be recognized at all.


		{	name = 'entity.tag.plugin.single.textpattern';
			match =

Basically I want to use the above rule to isolate any single self
enclosing language plugin tags tags from regular txp language tags and
give it a scope.
It doesn't work, I tested the above reg ex with find/replace and it does
what I want, but it doesn't work inside the Language grammar.
For the rest of the tags, I use the usual word boundaries rules with a
piped group of tag names, as in html.

So I suspected, that something like that is not allowed maybe.(Onigoruma ?)
NOTE.: I didn't use any back references there,just to simplify the case

What am I doing wrong?I'm using cutting edge with all bundles installed.

Are there any limitations, about regexes in a Language syntax at all,
that I don't know about ?

regards, marios
Comment: This might change in the future
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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