[TxMt] keeping "unofficial" bundles up-to-date with Subversion

Eric Peden eric at ericpeden.com
Wed May 17 21:49:33 UTC 2006

Those of who you fear the SVN instructions for getting bundles, run away

There are several nifty bundles out there that for one reason or another
aren't in the official subversion repository. To update them, you have
to remember to do an 'svn update' for each one. Isn't there an easier
way? Yes. Yes there is: svn:externals[1]

 cd "/Library/Application Support/TextMate"
 svn propedit svn:externals Bundles

This will popup your chosen editor. Now simply enter the name of the
bundles you want updated followed by a space and then the path to
their subversion repo. For example, here's my (short) list:

tAylott_subtleGradient.tmbundle http://textmate.svn.subtlegradient.com/Bundles/tAylott_subtleGradient.tmbundle/
RubyAndRails-Experimental.tmbundle http://www.eyematz.com/svn/public/TextMate/RubyAndRails-Experimental/RubyAndRails-Experimental.tmbundle

Note that those are only two very long lines. Save your changes and
leave your editor.

Now when you do an 'svn update', it'll automatically fetch changes for
the other bundles as well.

Caveat emptor for those of you with commit access: make sure you don't
accidentally check in the property changes. We mere mortals don't have
to worry about this. ;)

[1]: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.0/ch07s03.html

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