[TxMt] Smart typing question

John Tsombakos tsom467 at gmail.com
Wed May 17 00:04:58 UTC 2006


I have what may be a simple question about Smart typing. How do you
all "finish" typing something that has smart typing characters? Here's
a simple example:

Typing in some HTML, an input tag.. type <input type="

and TextMate helpfully enters the second " character. Thank you TM.
Now I enter the type:  text

Now my cursor is still within the quotes. By habit, I type the closing
quote, but now I'm just defeating the purpose of smart typing. My
option, as I see, is to read and hit the right-arrow key.

A slightly more complicated example - in PHP:


As soon as I type  ["  it looks like:  array["|"]  (where  "|" is my
cursor. Again, thanks TM. But now, after typing 'something', I have to
move past the " and ].

Am I missing some simple navigation? It's a simple thing that's making
my want to turn off Smart typing.


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