[TxMt] Infinite loop bug in ctags?

Charilaos Skiadas cskiadas at uchicago.edu
Wed May 3 00:47:46 UTC 2006

This is clearly a problem with the Exuberant tags implementation and  
TmCodeBrowser, you should probably file your complaints there. A  
quick fix is the following: open the file .ctags.tmcodebrowser which  
lives in your home directory, (i.e. type "mate .ctags.tmcodebrowser"  
in the command line) and add the following two lines at the end,  
after an empty line:


save and close, and you should not have problems anymore. Of course,  
you can't use tmcodebrowser for java now, unless you add the  
necessary command there. Also, you will be getting a "ctags: Warning:  
Language "java" already defined" in the console as a consequence.

Definitely make sure to contact Gerd Knops (http://www.cocoabits.com/ 
TmCodeBrowser/) and the Exuberant tags team (http:// 
ctags.sourceforge.net/) because this is clearly a bug with ctags. But  
ASAIK, it is TmCodeBrowser that uses ctags, not TextMate itself.

On May 2, 2006, at 6:54 PM, Trevor Harmon wrote:

> I seem to have discovered an infinite loop bug in ctags, which  
> TextMate depends on.
> 1. Create a new document
> 2. Paste in the text "This is a buggy <Java> program"
> 3. Change file type to Java
> 4. Save
> At this point, TextMate beachballs and I have to force quit. After  
> that, I find that a ctags process is still running and consuming  
> 100% of the CPU. Can anyone reproduce this?
> Trevor
> P.S. TextMate 1.5.1 (948)


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