[TxMt] Known problem when dragging multiple images into HTML file?

John Tsombakos tsom467 at gmail.com
Wed May 3 00:32:20 UTC 2006

On 5/2/06, Charilaos Skiadas <cskiadas at uchicago.edu> wrote:

> Inside the HTML bundle you will find a "drag command" titled: "Insert
> Image With dimensions". This command inserts as snippet with a couple
> of placeholders, and it gets called when an image is dragged,
> provided it has extension png,jpg,jpeg or gif. When more than one
> images are being dragged, it looks like they are treated
> sequentially, hence the text for the second is inserted exactly where
> the first placeholder is for the first, and so on. The simple answer
> I see is to modify that command in your case, so that it just inserts
> some text, without placeholders for the alt attribute.

Ah. So it does. I did a test with dragging some .html files in, to
create links and it looks it does the same thing - the drag command
for creating links has the same issue.



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