[TxMt] terminal emulation/translation problem?

Paul McCann paul.mccann at adelaide.edu.au
Fri Jun 9 23:58:50 UTC 2006

  Quinn Comendant wrote:

>     I created a new text document.
>     I typed 'man sed'
>     I hit control r.

You can pipe the output through "col -b" to kill those doubled up  
characters. For example, make a new command called "manpage" in a  
bundle (your own perhaps) and use

Save: Nothing


man ${word} | col -b

Input: Nothing
Output: Replace Selected Text

Choose a key equivalent (eg, control-command-option-M) and a scope  
(blank if you want this available anywhere) and you're away.

There's also a command in the "Unix Shell" bundle that looks as if it  
should be offering the same functionality, but with prettier output.  
You will, however, have to track down the correct location of "rman",  
which it calls in a couple of places, before it'll work correctly.


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