[TxMt] GTD Upgraded

Mike Mellor alaskamike at gmail.com
Fri Jun 9 16:59:28 UTC 2006

Dan -

Thanks for the input.  Here are some quick thoughts.

First, on contexts, I thought that "TODO", "CALL", etc. were contexts (in my
mind, I use TODO for a physical action or something that doesn't fall into
another context).  Maybe I'm missing something here.  And maybe I need to
explain how I use the GTD bundle betetr.  I created a GTD project in
TextMate where I add a *.gtd file for each project, e.g. "stuff to do around
the house," "paint the living room," etc.  Then I add tasks, using the TODO,
CALL, etc. contexts.  Finally, to use what I've done in context, I do a
"view GTD tasks" (control-shift-T) to group my tasks  by context.

I wrote to Nick Fagerlund (FMP creator) and he has given me permission to
include FMP in the GTD bundle.  I think that FMP is a great tool, but it
works the opposite of how I think.  I like to "think in projects, execute in
context" where FMP is designed to take a text file with more-or-less random
categories and split it out into separate lists.

My plan is to put the functionality into the bundle, and see where it goes.
Again, thanks for the feedback!


On 6/9/06, Daniel Käsmayr <daniel at kaesmayr.net> wrote:
> Mike,
> I like the fact that you are now working from your own scope
> "text.plain.gtd", so the tab triggers no longer kill my other stuff ;)
> The major point I am not happy with your version is that it does not
> use contexts; what we have now is a rather pimped TODO-List
> generator. Very useful, but not "gtd" yet… don't get me wrong, I am
> bay far no gtd apostle nor do i try to kill any good idea.
> As I have mentioned before, I am trying to see if "My fiendish master
> plan" is useful. And what this one does is it takes an input text
> file, reads each line to see if it starts with ^context and then
> moves that todo item to a separate text file for that context.
> So what I would like to see in that gtd.bundle is:
> a) a means to work with contexts
> b) some way to keep project files, but also extract next actions from
> those projects
> c) an easy way for getting stuff IN the system
> d) maybe some assistance for the weekly review
> Since I am not really up-to-date with my programming skills (I would
> like to pick up ruby and ruby on rails… any good pointers for
> reading?) I have no solution yet, but I am willing to help out.
> It is, in a way, just a question to see whether I will try to roll my
> own or if you are interested in moving the bundle from todo-lists to
> a nextaction-and-project-based approach?
> Dan
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