[TxMt] Bundle item disambiguation popup menu and multiple screens problem

scott lewis scotfl.work.lists at gmail.com
Mon Jun 5 17:58:00 UTC 2006

As noted in the release notes for r1060, there is indeed a problem  
with dual-headed setups. If the editor window is on the secondary  
monitor, the menu is displayed on the primary monitor (in the correct  
screen location, just on the wrong screen). On the plus side, if the  
editor is on the main monitor the menu works properly... This is on a  
MacBook running 10.4.6.

Console.log output:

2006-06-05 11:39:31.625 TextMate[3581] Quartz {1733, 123} (frame  
{{1280, 0}, {1280, 768}}), QD origin {1280, 768}, QD top/left 645, 453


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